Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reinventing myself......

I have been less than inspired by my blog so far. It is ok, I guess, but it doesn't speak to anything specific about my life, family or interests. So, for those who follow I will make sure to let you know when I have found my new home. Even if you do not follow, if you have suggestions, please make sure to take a moment and leave me a comment on things you like to see featured. Thanks!


Stephanie said...

I'd love to know more about...YOU. Your family, your background, your kids, your hopes + dreams, etc. :)

Tishia said...

I'm with Stephanie and her comment. When I go to someone's personal blog I expect to catch a glimpse into their life. I like reading about things you are striving to achieve, your goals, etc.

Nell said...

I'd love to know more about your hopes and dreams and life and see pictures!


Nicole Feliciano said...

Where are you in the process? What rally inspires you? For me it is fashion hence Momtrends keeps me engaged. What's your twitter handle again?